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‘This Call May Be Recorded’: The Show for CSR Training

Originally published
Originally published: 5/4/2022

Each individual team member plays a key role within a home service company. The owner sits at the head of the table and steers the company in the right direction. Technicians perform various jobs including repairs and installation and provide the backbone of your expertise. The marketing team promotes the company and its team of experts. So, while all these jobs play a significant part in the overall success of a company, there is one job which is often overlooked. It is the customer service representative (CSR). The CSR provides the first impression of a business, period. He or she is the gateway to every other department and member of the team. A company’s perception can and will be determined by the CSR. If the CSR is not pleasant, knowledgeable, and providing of excellent service, you will not retain that customer. Yes, your technicians’ service is the bottom line, but remember, the CSR is the linchpin of the company. They control if a question about HVACR service at your company, converts into a sale. They also control the schedule for all your service professionals. The CSR is your front line. Treat this position with the care it deserves.

Customer Engagement

The CSR is the only person in the whole company with whom customers want to engage. When consumers view your marketing materials, that is passive attention. The same applies when they see your ads online or on a billboard. Customers are often reserved even with technicians who make service calls, because they just let a stranger into their home. However, when they call a CSR, they are completely involved and engaged because they need an issue addressed and want to hear what he or she has to say. 

So, what happens when a CSR isn’t properly trained or doesn’t present the right attitude during a customer call? The answer is simple. It reflects negatively on your business. Nothing makes a customer more agitated or want to hang up faster than talking to someone who answers the phone and sounds like they would rather be anywhere else. Even with the best CSR scripting, a negative attitude can make a customer move on to the next company quickly.

“This Call May Be Recorded” was created to highlight the importance of CSRs and change the way home-service contractors think about customer service.

This Call May Be Recorded

Airing live on YouTube and Facebook every Friday at 11 a.m. MST, “This Call May Be Recorded” is a show that offers CSR coaching by analyzing real phone calls of home service businesses. During the show, three to four customer phone calls are played with coaching provided throughout. We listen to a variety of phone calls, from price objection calls to calls where the customer is angry. There is no limit to what kind of calls may appear on the show. We typically pick two good calls and two not-so-good calls to display good and bad aspects of the call.

Evaluating the Call

When evaluating the calls, we look at eight key areas listed below:

  • Does the CSR have positive energy?
  • Are they evoking confidence?
  • Are they actively listening to the customer?
  • Are they placing emphasis on their phrasing?
  • Are they reassuring the customer that their company can do the job?
  • Do they proactively ask for the customer’s business?
  • Are they building value for the customer?
  • Do they express gratitude to the customer?

Using these metrics, we help our viewers create better CSR conversations. By following the eight steps, it ensures — at least based on good customer service — that the customer will continue to do business with you. We also take questions and answers from viewers which allows us to provide valuable feedback directly.

Free Training Online

As an HVACR services company, CSRs are a vital part of your business. While the jobs vary, the principles and concepts used to gain customers are the same. The CSR is one of the most vital members of your entire organization. Don’t disregard the importance of your CSR team as they are the individuals who provide the first impression of your business. “This Show May Be Recorded” presents a free and valuable opportunity for contractors to educate and train CSRs utilizing professional coaches. Join us! We welcome you to use the show as training for your team. One 30-minute episode might be the difference you need to make a winning first impression the next time a customer calls requesting your services.  

Zac Garside is director of sales and marketing for Power Selling Pros. During his time with the company, he has been a coach and trainer with the company, working with hundreds of companies and vendors during his tenure. His passion for the industry illuminates through his ability to discover clients’ pain points and offer solutions for success. Visit  

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