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Learn Communication Tips for COVID-19

Originally published
Originally published: 3/26/2020

COVID-19 has changed all of our lives in a matter of days. Many people are worried about what’s going to happen next. With this in mind, how are you communicating with all of your internal and external customers?

If you haven’t already done so, here are a few insights to help you and your business, during this turbulent time.

Let everyone know what’s going on.

We are all in the same situation so be sure to let your customers know how your business is reacting to COVID-19. Place a statement on your website about the current status of your company, how people can get more information, what you are doing to help your customers right now, and any other important details you need to share.

Send out personal emails to all of the customers, advertisers, sponsors, affiliates, and anyone else you work with, so they know what’s going on. Also, talk to your employees about the current situation and what is happening with your business. Be honest with them and share details on how they can get help through this difficult time via government programs, community services and more.

If you need to reduce hours, change job responsibilities, update products and services, or something else just to keep your business open, be sure to talk to your team about all of these updates. It’s more important than ever to work together to make the best of this situation.

Offer Your Help

If your business is doing well right now and not really seeing a negative effect from COVID-19, realize that your customers, and potential clients, are. Thousands of people from big cities to small towns are currently dealing with major issues due to the virus. They may be wondering how they are going to feed their families, pay their bills and stay healthy.

That means the last thing they probably want to do is listen to your sales pitch.

Because of this, use this time to offer your sincere help in any way possible. Let your customers know you are still available for them during this difficult period ... rather than trying to “sell” them something.

Now is the time to build relationships and trust. Get to know your customers so you can provide even more value to them in the future.

Get Assistance

If you are stressed out and have no idea what to do, check out local business organizations you belong to and contact others in your industry for assistance.

Also know that the government is working to provide help to Americans. The tax payment deadline has been postponed, and there are new programs available via the Small Business Administration here. You can also check out the National Governors' Association site here to see what's available for you in your particular state.

For financial issues, call your bank and credit card companies directly or visit the American Bankers Site here for more information. Do the same for any issues you may have with your travel schedule, insurance, medical appointments, and more.

Most companies are implementing new policies to help their customers right now so if you call them directly, they can probably provide assistance with your payment deadlines, rates, itineraries, and more.

Stay Positive

While things may be ugly right now, try to stay positive. It’s a great time to be creative and develop new products and services for your customers (or work on new career goals) for the future.

Maybe you can even get to those activities that have been at the bottom of your “To Do” list for months?

Perhaps, you have online content and marketing materials that need updating, equipment servicing and repairs to take care of, online training to complete, or something else?

If not, it may be the perfect time to just catch up on some reading, relax and spend time with your family and pets!

Things Will Get Better!

COVID-19 has changed the world overnight, but we will get through this! Use this time to communicate the right messages to your internal and external customers and focus on what you need to do to keep your HVACR business alive and thriving in the future.



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